Advantages of Getting a Sports Massage

While a sports massage is similar to a Deep Tissue massage, you shouldn’t assume that going to a spa after a football injury would provide the same care as seeing a medical massage therapist. Only a licensed massage therapist with specialized training in Sports Massage should give you a sports Massage Walton On Thames. Your therapist can tailor a treatment plan to your ailment because of their advanced knowledge and experience in human anatomy. 

Several Advantages of Getting a Sports Massage

Increased Efficiency Muscle mitochondria are boosted after only 10 minutes of massage. Mitochondria have earned the name “the powerhouse of the cell” for a good cause. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the mitochondrial energy molecule. More mitochondria speed up the process through which your muscles turn oxygen into energy. As a bonus, you receive a nice massage while giving your muscles the boost they need.

Minimized Muscle Ache

In a normal state, your body utilizes oxygen to fuel your muscles during physical exertion. If your body’s oxygen needs to exceed its supply, your muscles will produce lactic acid (or lactate), which can be used even without oxygen. There may be occasions when your body has lactic acid faster than your bloodstream can eliminate.

Reducing the Risk of Injury

There are instances when an athlete must accept an injury as part of the game, but measures may be taken to lessen the likelihood of harm. Sports massage can be useful for both treating injuries and avoiding them in the first place.

A pre-workout sports massage prevents muscle tightness and injuries that could keep you off the pitch. Massage can aid in restoring muscle relaxation following exercise, which can help prevent soreness and injuries like trigger points from forming.


Appointments with a licensed Sports Massage Cobham therapist, such as Jamie Lloyd, should be prioritized. Professionals in this field have received extensive training to treat athletes suffering from a wide range of injuries and advise on how to avoid similar mishaps in the future.

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